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Reign Fitness Team Challenge Details

Hey Reign Fitness Family,

We wanted to shed a little more light on the details for the challenge so that everyone has a little more information prior to the start!

Check out the Reign Fitness Team Challenge Details

  • The challenge will last 30 days beginning Sept 12th, 2023 with the goal of re-emphasizing fitness in your life as we transition into the fall season. Our team opted to make this year’s Fall Challenge a Team version to promote more community which we are very excited about.

  • Each Coach will lead a team through 30 days of fitness and selection will be randomized once the challenge roster is finalized. We’re excited to have smaller teams with Coach leadership to improve accountability, increase communication, and provide a more individualized coaching experience throughout the challenge. Coach’s can determine their forms of communication with their team and it does not have to be Facebook. All Proofs completed in SugarWOD and tracking will be done by our team.

  • Team Points will be accrued through a combination of individual performances, weekly team challenge posts, and a Team Challenge Book. We wanted to create multiple avenues to build points so that it’s not solely based on team points (or vice verse). You’ll need to do your part individually with challenges as well as take part in team challenges to get maximum points.

  • Fitness Challenges will be posted weekly and workouts may be anything from individual workouts, team workouts, or individual workouts for a team total. All workouts will have a Barbell and ReignFIT variation both which will have scaling options so that everyone can participate. If you have any concerns with the particular challenge, please touch base with your individual team coach.

  • Team Challenges are designed specifically to be fun. Have a good attitude. The end.

  • There is no set Nutrition Protocol and challenges will be based around behavior/helping you improve what works best for you. We will however continue to suggest our Paleo/Whole 30 protocol if you do not have one as its foundations continue to align with Reign’s Nutrition methodology in eating real nutrient dense foods. If you have any questions about this, you can touch base with Coach Mesha who runs all of the Nutrition Coaching at Reign Fitness. Our goal is to help you find a successful Nutrition Protocol that works for you.

  • Each individual athlete will be asked to weigh-in and collect body measurement data. Results are for you and our Coaching Staff only. This data helps us coach you through the challenge and also provides more insight in creating the best plan for you. Often times during challenges, we see significant results but that doesn’t always translate into one metric. Bodyweight loss is not the only metric for gauging a successful challenge and when you go though a process of body composition change (adding lean muscle mass, losing body fat) you may not see a big change in bodyweight but see significant change in inches lost.

  • The Winner of the Challenge will be selected based on Total Team Points. Please keep in mind that this is not a weight loss challenge. This is a fitness challenge designed to build momentum in living a fit and full active lifestyle.

Reign Fitness Challenges are designed to disrupt the monotony of everyday with the implementation of following a structured program and utilizing the power of a deadline. We want to get you fired up about your fitness and spark change!

Challenge Starts Tuesday!

Register here:



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