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Open Gym Is Coming To Reign March 2023

You've been asking for it and we listened.

Reign Fitness Fam we are excited to bring our first Open Gym Hours for the 2023 year. The times will be:

  • Monday 7am-9am / 4-5 pm

  • Wednesdays 7am-9am / 4-5 pm

Members will have access to Open Gym Hours at no cost.

Non-Members can purchase the Open Gym in the same way you would purchase a class pass. You will have to create an account and sign the gym waiver before you can attend.

Or you can purchase your Open Gym access here: Open Gym Class Pass.

Why Open Gym?

Open Gym times not only give you another opportunity to get into the gym to be active but it provides a unique time to really individualize your gym training even more than you receive in classes.

This is time to work on specific things for yourself.

Whether it's accessory movements to help you address weak areas, drills to help you improve technique, or even additional conditioning to supplement building that engine...

Open Gym is time for you.

How To Sign Up:

In the same way you register for classes, you will find an option online to register for Open Gym. Please help us keep things organized and register for Open Gym Classes.

  • Create an account if you don't have an account already. You can do that here: New Account

  • Click on the schedule to view the Open Gym Times and select the one that you want.

  • Click enroll.

  • For non-members it will cue you to purchase a pass for the class.

Open Gym Rules:

  • Be respectful to everyone and remember that kindness rules!

  • Treat the equipment like it belongs to you, well because it does belong to you. It's used by our Reign Fitness Family.

  • Everything has a place. Use any equipment you need, then please put it back to where it belongs so that someone else can use it too.

  • Wipe things down the same way we do in class.

  • Coaches may be busy either working out or even working with clients. Make sure to say hi but please be respectful of their time.

  • There may be classes starting soon so be punctual and respectful of the time.

  • Work Hard and Have Fun.



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