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Happy Veterans Day 2022

Happy Veterans Day to the amazing service members of our country!

We chose the "Armistice" Workout from The WOD For Warriors TeamRWB because of the meaning behind the programming.

"The WOD includes six rounds representing the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

The WOD includes 11, 19, and 18 reps of various exercises, marking the end of World War I on 11/11/1918. The 2-minute rest and reflection is representative of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where at 11 am, each November 11th, honors are rendered to remember those we lost in service to our nation."

Big shout out to all the Reign Fitness Members who came out today and took part in this honor.

Reign Fitness Veteran's Day WOD

"Veterans Day WOD"


Complete the following

6 Rounds for Time

11 Mountain Climbers

11 DB Power Cleans Rx (40/25) FIT (35/20)

2 mins rest/reflection

6 Rounds for Time

19 Hand Release Push Ups

18 Box Jump Burpees (Scale to Burpees as needed)

Bodyweight Squats x 30s



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