Reign Fitness is excited to announce our Newest Coach, Brigette P.
Not only does she share a passion for fitness but also a desire to help others in their very own fitness journey.
Take a little time today to get to know her better.
Name: Brigette Padilha Age: 37
Occupation: Nordstrom Inventory Positioning, Supply Chain Operations 1. What and or (who) brought you to Reign?
Covid- As much as I love working out with my husband, we work out very differently and I missed the community aspect when working out in our garage. Once everything started opening up again, I decided to try Reign and loved it!
2. Why do you want to be a Coach At Reign?
I love helping people! I have a lot of experience with sports and fitness (and unfortunately injuries) and want to share my knowledge with everyone!
3. Tell us a little about yourself. What's a Day In The Life of Brigette?
A day in the life... putting out fires left and right :). Retail and supply chain are a crazy combination right now. My normal week is filled with meetings, projects, and presentations. I always find time to workout- it's what keeps me sane! I always have a long list of projects and craft ideas that I do when I have free time. I work well under pressure so I will find a way to get things done.
If I had the time to workout all day, I probably would :D
4. What is an achievement you are most proud of?
Moving away from the Bay Area. As much as I love my family, ALL of them now live within a 15 mile radius of one another. I am the only one that took a leap of faith and moved to multiple cities to pursue my career and expand my experiences. I've been able to create a life of my own that I love.
5. What are your goals or aspirations for the next year? (Can be fitness or non-fitness related too!)
So many!
First, getting my knee (had ACL/meniscus surgery March 2023) healthy. I'd like to be able to get back to competing in beach volleyball tournaments and Crossfit competitions.
Secondly, I want to get my side hustle as my main hustle. I love event and party planning and would love to get more experience under my belt in the next year (follow me on IG- @b.e_fit and @partywithpadilha)
6. Favorite Band/Singer & Favorite Movie of all time...
Favorite Singers: Queen Bey, Lauryn Hill
Favorite Movie: Aladdin
7. What are your hobbies outside of Reign?
Too many! Traveling, volleyball, basketball, golf, balloon arches, shirt making, charcuterie boards, event planning and whatever else I can get my hands on
8. What's your spirit animal? Why?
I love pigs!! I've always wanted a teacup pig and hope to still have one in the future (hopefully Dan isn't reading this). As my spirit animal, I'll say a wild boar- more fierce and less cute than a teacup pig.
9. What advice would you give to anyone looking to start their fitness journey?
Have grit and grace! Fitness is all about the hustle and giving it your best but you also need to give yourself grace. Not everyday is going to be YOUR day and that's okay!! Be proud of your achievements- large or small, whether it's coming in 2 days in a row to getting a new PR, you are winning!
10. One interesting fact about yourself? Please elaborate if it needs more elaboration.
BRIGETTE is not my legal first name nor my legal middle name :) Adrienne Brigida Enriquez is my legal name. My mom always called me Brigette and in 2nd grade, there was a boy named Adrian who made fun of me for having a boy's name. Little did I know, he had a girl's name but I've gone with Brigette ever since.
11. Share a training or nutrition strategy that is vital in your toolbox.
80/20. While I focus on my nutrition 80% of the time, I also enjoy sweet treats and a great cocktail. I give myself grace and live it up 20% of the time :)
12. What's your favorite workout? Why?
Diane! Not only is it my mom's name, it's deadlifts and handstand push ups- the best combo.
13. Share your Favorite Memory so far at Reign:
Everyday is memorable. I learn something new or someone new everyday. I've developed wonderful relationships with so many already and can't wait to learn more about each of you!
I Love... my life (and my craft room/office).
I Am... a perfectionist and hold high expectations of myself and those around me.
I Wish... everyday was Saturday and I had unlimited funds.
I Eat... it all! But I crave sushi the most.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Coach Brigette better but this is only the start. Don't hesitate to ask her more questions, ask her for coaching during classes, and jump on opportunities to get to know her better at Reign.
While you're here check out one of our latest posts that can help you apply some real life strategies for progress in the gym.
Check out the post here: