Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Reign Fitness Summer Challenge 2023!
We couldn't be more proud of the group this year as they brought lot's of energy, support for each other, and motivation to invest in themselves.
Reign Fitness Challenges have been a staple part of helping our community build extra momentum and elevate their active lifestyles. It's a combination of following a structured program, the motivation of a deadline, and accountability from a community.
It's proof that stepping outside of your comfort zone and surrounding yourself around like minded individuals is an ideal environment to help you elevate your game.
This summer our Challengers stepped into a new Nutrition Coaching model that introduced a one on one coaching process with our very own Nutrition Coach... Coach Nemesia!
Individuals faced weekly challenges and goals followed up with a Coach...
And built on the skills they learned from each previous weeks.
In the end...
As a group they lost over 30 pounds and 30 inches in 30 days!
What stands out is the inches and body composition change as weight isn't always the most important determining factor for a successful program. After reviewing many bodyspec scans we saw lots of weight loss and muscle gain which further emphasizes how weight doesn't always reflect the hard work put in.
We also witnessed challengers hit some incredible performance goals as they crushed previous baseline workout numbers. What a testament to consistency!
The most challenging aspect for our team is selecting a winner which is based off of a combination of performance, consistency, completion of challenges, community involvement, and attitude.
But in the end we are proud to announce our Challenge Winner... Vianey J. who absolutely took this challenge head on and crushed it!
Big Shout out to the following award winners as well:
Most Spirited: Cynthia
Most Improved: Oshian and Palvi