Don't get me wrong, there's something fun about tying up your laces and putting on a race bib to run your local turkey trot 5k with hundreds of locals dressed like turkeys.
However, we know that running isn't for all of us, especially if you have toddlers and the family in town to drag out to the race.
We wanted to give you 3 workouts to do with your family on thanksgiving that are simple, fun, and most importantly does the job when it comes to burning calories.
Get the family involved, throwdown one of the workouts, and work up that appetite!
Workout 1
Teams of 2 or 3
Split all reps and complete for time.
Finish one exercise before you move onto the next.
Focus on quality of movement and moving at a consistent pace.
100 Squats
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups or V-Ups
100 Mountain Climbers
100 Alternating Lunges
100 Burpees
TIp: Do you have young kids? We love to let our daughters jump in when they want for a handful of reps. Yes, the workout is for time but it's just too cute to pass up watching a 2 year old do burpees.
Workout 2
E202M x 20 minutes
Partner Workout
20 Alternating Box Step Ups (or split 20 squats)
*complete alternating burpees in the time remaining.
Workout 3
30s work / 30s break
3 rounds x 18 minutes
Progression: add up to 6 rounds
DB Alternating Snatches
Plank Hold
DB Goblet or Bodyweight Squats
Side Plank Hold
Side Plank Hold
If you're local or going to be in the Renton, WA area over the Holidays? Make sure to drop in for a FREE Class (we have lot's of opportunities over the holidays for friends and family to come by) or check out Get Started to see how you can try out a class.
Don't miss our biggest membership savings of the year with the Reign Fitness Black Friday Deals.