In an effort to highlight and bring more awareness to Men’s Health for Movember, we wanted to spotlight a few of our Reign Fitness Men this month…
…to help us get to know the individuals that make up our community better.
***If you haven’t checked out what Reign Fitness is doing for Movember take a quick second to read through the post below…
Now onto the Member Spotlight and Jonathan Corpuz! He's seriously one of the nicest and funniest guys around. You'll always see him working hard with a smile on his face and he just has a way of bringing good vibes to our community.
Reign wouldn't be the same place without him!
Name: Jonathan Corpuz
Age: 35
Occupation: Respiratory Therapist UWMC
1. What (who) brought you to Reign?
My sister Erin Cruz told me about Reign. She invited me to join her and after that first workout I told myself that I was about to compete at the crossfit games. I'm still a few years out from that goal, but you know...
One day I'll be ready to compete.
2. Why did you decide to participate in Movember?
I thought it would be fun to put myself out there and try to help raise money for a good cause. I also think that this will kick start my facial hair goal of getting a handle bar mustache.
3. What is the most significant change - whether social, physical, mental…you have experienced since you have been at Reign?
My most significant change has been mental...
I thought that results would come quick, but I found out that it's truly a process and there's no way around it. You have to get up and grind at the gym, then make right choices outside of it.
4. Tell us a little about yourself. What's a Day In The Life of Jon?
A normal day would consist of me getting up at 4am to get that reign fit workout it with Coach Willie and the crew. Then I drop off my son to preschool, get in a few hours of hanging out with my 1 year old daughter and mother-in-law.

After picking up my son, we go to grandma and grandpa's house (my parents) for lunch then hang out there for a little bit. After, we head home and wait for my wife Aileen to come home for unwind time and dinner.
Then start the night time "routine" called getting little ones to bed. The nights I work though, I wait for Aileen to come home then I'm out the door and she and my mother-in-law hold it down with the two little ones.
5. Share your favorite memory so far at Reign.
My favorite memories are the times that Coach Albert comes to 5am class and somehow manages to find a space in-between me and others in my little corner of the gym to give me and whoever is unlucky enough to be around (normally Sharmy) a little extra morning motivation.
6. What are your goals or aspirations leading into the New Year?
To be better than the year before. I want to continue to grow whether professionally, physically, and as a person.
Specifically relating to Reign, I want to get better with my conditioning and not be that dude lying down after the WOD cause I'm done. I want to be able to go another round.
7. First CD you bought & Favorite Movie of all time...
First CD was a CD single, Broken hearted - Brandy and Wanya Morris. That title lets you know exactly what I was going through in like middle school. I've been loving slow jams ever since.
Favorite movie....That's tough, but I have to go with Coming to America, classic film.
8. What are your hobbies outside of Reign?

Outside of Reign, I love spending time with family and playing sports.
Family comes first, being around my kids or hanging out with my cousins is a really big part of my life.
Sports, I recently busted up my big toe hooping with Raul, It's a lot better now though. I play on a men's softball team during spring and summer.
I just like being active.
9. Who is your hero and why?
My parents.
They have been giving me words of wisdom for as long as I can remember and even though I didn't always listen, they were always there for me. Now as an adult, I've watched their joy in helping raise my kids. Mainly because I'm the one that is learning first hand what they had to go through raising me and Erin.
It's funny how things come full circle.
10. If you could have dinner with any three people in the world, who would it be and why?
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Tinker Hatfield, and Quincy Jones.
First has to be The Rock because he's been inspiring since his WWF/WWE days. To see where he's com from and how he got to where he's at, has to be an amazing story. Plus he seems like a genuinely funny guy. Hopefully we could get in a workout too.
Tinker Hatfield, because he design shoes for Nike and more specifically Micheal Jordan. I just want to sit down and pick his brain about all that fun stuff and let him know how he has costs me hundreds of dollars every year on sneakers.
Finally Quincy Jones because that dude is a genius. I'd love to talk to him about music, movies, his ties to the Seattle area and just hang out with him for a little bit.
11. What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
I'm not quite sure what I'm most proud of, but I can say that I'm proud of where I am today, but there's always room for improvement.
I'm looking forward to continuing on this fitness Journey with the Reign fam and looking forward to what's to come.
12. What advice would you give to anyone including men looking to start their fitness journey?
Bruh...It's a not easy.
Stick with it, be as consistent as you can.
Find a group of like-minded people who can help you because you're going to need a support group. LOL.
Fill In The Blank...
I Love...My Family
I Am...a work in progress
I Wish...I won the power ball lottery
I Eat...therfore I am.
Check out the previous Reign Member Spotlights...