November 10th, 2018 | Saturday | Mobility Level 2

We have 12 spots open on Saturday November 10th, 2018 for a chance to be the first group through the Level 2 Mobility Workshop, which will target: Level 2 Mobility Workshop will be from 10:30am - 12:00/12:30pm ✅ Thoracic Spine ✅ Hip/Lower Back ✅ Shoulders SPECIAL RATE: This first group will receive a Special Rate of $30 (retail $75) (First come first serve/First to comment below and confirm payment) NOTE: Level 1 Mobility Workshop is required or Coach's approval. A base level of mobility and self-myofascial release (Foam Rolling) is required. If you're unsure, please touch base with your Reign Coach.
November 17th, 2018 | Saturday | Reign Baby Shower For Harley Love

We can't wait to meet Harley Love in January 2019...
But first we need to party, so come join the Reign Fam, Saturday November 17th from 12-2pm for a co-ed (YES THE ENTIRE REIGN COMMUNITY) baby shower for Reign Momma Mesha! Registry information is below: ✅ Amazon Registry can be found under: Nemesia Park Amazon Registry Link: ✅ Target Registry can be found under: Nemesia Park Target Registry Link: For Reign Baby Shower Info please connect with: Jessica Young Mary Jang
*Check out the Event Page here:
November 19-23, 2018 | Reign Black Friday

Stay tuned this week for our Once a Year Only deals!
The last day to redeem all deals will be Friday, November 23rd, 2018.
November 22, 2018 | Thursday | Reign Thanksgiving Workout

Join us on Thursday morning, November 22, 2018 either at 8AM or 9:30AM for a Special Thanksgiving Workout to help you kick off your holiday the right way! We'll be hosting extra sweaty workouts to burn more calories and help you stay consistent with your training. Classes will be open for enrollment soon. *If you have friends or family interested in joining that day, please touch base with a coach and we'll be more than happy to help you get them set up. Can't wait to see everyone on turkey day!
All Movember Long | Team Preign Mantis

This year...
Reign Fitness will be calling all Men to join our Movember Team, "Team Preign Mantis" as we set out to raise money & awareness for Men's Health.
Not only will we be fundraising and bringing awareness to this topic...
The Men of Team Preign Mantis will also be leading by example and committing to living a fit and healthy lifestyle throughout the month of November.
Check out our Team Page to either join us or donate: