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Team pReign Mantis | Movember 2018

The truth is...

"Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They are dying too young, before their time. We’re taking action and we need your help."

These are you husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, friends, boyfriends, colleagues....and they need, we need your help.

This year...

Reign Fitness will be calling all Men to join our Movember Team, "Team Preign Mantis" as we set out to raise money & awareness for Men's Health.

Not only will we be fundraising and bringing awareness to this topic...

The Men of Team Preign Mantis will also be leading by example and committing to living a fit and healthy lifestyle throughout the month of November.

Men's Health is an issue that so many of us here at Reign (not just men) have been affected by whether it was a husband, brother, son, father, or friend who us battling or has battled prostate cancer, testicular cancer, heart disease, or even mental health. (and it's not just these things that are affecting men)

And we want to make an effort to help because EFFORT COUNTS!

Men’s Health Stats In The U.S.

  • 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

  • Prostate cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in men in the United States.

  • 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime

  • 1 in 36 men will die from prostate cancer (about 29,480 men) accounting for about 22% of all male deaths from cancer

  • About 380 men will die of testicular cancer this year.

  • Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men aged 15 – 35 years

  • Around 1 in 4 adults in the United States will experience a mental health problem in a given year.

  • 75% of suicides are men.

Does Movember and Growing A Mustache Really Work?

How Do You Participate?

✅ Join our Team here

➡️ and create your account.

✅ Clean shave on October 31st and start growing that mustache. (You can groom, trim, and shape - just don't shave that stache)

Some of you might be thinking why a mustache?

Well to put it simply, it brings attention to you and when people ask about it...

You can share why you're doing it, what you're doing it for, and how it's important to you and the Reign Community!

You can also support by making an effort to move more!

✅ Spend November committing to living a fit & healthy lifestyle, which is also a great motivator this time of the year to stay on top of your game.

60 Miles for the 60 Men we Lose To Suicide every hour.

This year, there is a 60 mile challenge that you can do to either run, bike, row, swim 60 miles in the month of November to bring awareness to 60 men we lose to suicide every year each hour, every hour.

Whether you kick it off fast, take it slow, do it with a friend...

It's up to you.

It's up to us.

✅ Help raise money by sharing your journey online using our team and your personal links. You can also participate in our money raising events like the Burpee-Thon (this year we will be adding some more options)

How did we do last year? In 2017...

For thirty days we lived our lives growing mustaches one day at a time.

“We spent time with our families, went to work, some of us traveled, we ate, exercised, had a great thanksgiving, and of course did a lot of burpees. We strived to lead by example motivated by everyone around us.”

I’m sure all the guys will tell you that their lives were a bit different over the 30 days and also how the mustaches definitely got a lot of attention.

But that was the point.

To get people’s attention and get the word out about Men’s Health.This was so much fun and I know we were all honored to take part in something that meant a lot to us.

2017 Team Preign Mantis Movember Results

  • 16 Men joined Team Preign Mantis and committed to growing a mustache for 30 days.

  • Team Preign Mantis raised over $3,200 dollars for Men’s Health.

  • They lived a fit and active lifestyle for 30 days.

  • Grew some amazing and some not-so amazing mustaches!

Great Men and Their Mustaches!

Here's some examples to help you decide which one is right for you!

2018 Goals & Events

  • Our goal this year is to beat what we raised last year and hit $4,000.

  • We will host another Burpee-Thon (date to be determined) in November to help raise money or it might include rowing and running miles. (Stay tuned)

  • Help Reign Fitness Men commit to their Health & Fitness.

  • Support Families and Friends who have been directly affected by Men's Health Issues.

  • Make Men's Health a conversation topic that isn't taboo.

  • "Motivate, Inspire, and Empower Men to take control of their health and give a damn about themselves so that they can improve the quality of their lives and continue to be a positive influence in their families, in their work place, and communities."

Ladies We Need Your Help To!


We need your help too!

We need you to encourage the men in your lives to get involved and it doesn't have to be about growing a mustache. Get the men in your lives to pay attention to their health and be active (Check out the offer below).

The Reign Men need you unconditional support through the month of November and your help raising funds.

Do I have to grow a Mustache to Participate or to be a part of Team Preign Mantis?


Any male can be a part of our team and you can participate by staying active for the Month of November and investing in your own health.

We need your help raising money, taking action, and just keeping you, A Man, Healthy!

JOIN ME, Coach Albert and your team captain and let's make Men's health something we talk about!

Join our team here...

Donate To Our Team here...

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine

Let's make this year great!

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