“For some of us, it’s way more than just lifting and fitness. It’s one of the best things in life we’ve discovered and we are proud to be a part of it.”
Big shout out to everyone who's been working hard over this summer. Remember that it's not always about the end results and PR's but the journey is what gives you the real fulfillment.
Keep grinding and congratulations to everyone here.
Would you look at all those box jump PR's, so awesome Reign Fam!
Jimmy Huynh - OHS PR 135lbs / Push Press PR 165lbs Jodeci Jimenez - Snatch PR 155lbs Krambler - first sit-up Victoria Young - clean & Jerk PR 140lbs Megan Mamiya - clean & jerk PR 140lbs Jessica Young - clean PR 145lb PR Taylor Woo - snatch PR 105lbs Eilleen Barrett Hoy - first box jump 18” Esther - first box jump 18” Karol - first box jump 18” Kathy - first box jump 18”
Video below: Monica Dherin - first box jump 20”